Monday, January 21, 2019

Witching Hour

I don't really have a set sleeping pattern. So I tend to be either awake or asleep at really odd hours. Over the weekend there were kids outside playing around midnight on Saturday. Which it being a weekend I did really see it as a big deal.

However last night there were about 5-6 kids outside running around at 3am. Not teenagers either. Kids that looked to be between 8-12. I think I heard one adult but never actually saw them. These kids live here. They were out throwing rocks and cussing like they were adults.

They were screwing around until about 5am and the only reason I know this is because I was sleeping on the couch due to the husband being sick a snorting excessively. Nothing like escaping one sleepless environment to find myself in another one.

A Narwhal I made....just because I can 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Gutters are Fine

I was told recently the gutters are perfectly fine. Was also told they get cleaned out every year & that Santa Clause is also real. Honestly I would believe the Santa thing a lot faster than the other statements.

I wish I could say this is as bad as it gets, but sadly not it's not. A couple of apartments down crank that leak in my photos up by 300% and that's how the gutters leak for the upstairs neighbor.....directly in the middle of the stairs. So no matter what if they ever leave when it's raining they will get soaked. They actually seem perfectly fine with that

At least the oil and water in the parking lot was slightly amusing. Not an ideal situation but it's the way it is here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Trash Overload

I wish I could say this is a rare occurrence, but it's been like this now for a week. Nobody pays attention. If something is said it is usually finger pointing of some kind going on. On the more vicious days if you bring up piles of trash piling up, management at FP tells you to do it yourself. 

Because nobody can see it from the main part of the parking lot it is deemed invisible to FP and the manager

Another week of wet garbage

Well at least someone closed the lid before it started raining

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Drugs are Bad MmmKay?

I cannot even tell you how many times I have seen drug paraphernalia around this apartment complex. Believe it or not this is the actual best and cleanest property FP owns.

I had another tenant point out this has been sitting near the entrance to the complex for the last few days. 

But hey at least it's not drug needles with the caps off like a month ago. Literally no credit check if you have the cash to put down. 

I moved in because I was coming out of a domestic violence shelter with my children. Out of necessity I need a fast place to move in, now that our money is tied up in rent saving a deposit is near impossible. Reporting this gets fingers pointing and people bitching but FP does nothing about it. They don't even pretend they give two fucks anymore. 

Their apathy with the criminal and violent things their tenants do is truly disgusting. I plan on dealing with everything by documenting and talking about it in my blog. Even if it means people judging me, it gives me a sense of control and purpose when nothing else works 

Monday, January 14, 2019

S**t Just Got Real

Shit stew anyone?

Honestly I don't understand how this is acceptable to FP in anyway, but this is not the first time I have seen raw sewage covering common areas. Nobody even batted an eye over this.

As you can see toilet paper, sewage juice and other nastiness covering a common area and children's bikes. 

This never actually got cleaned up just hosed down to make the toilet paper a little less recognizable . This isn't even the closet they have come to the most disgusting and unsanitary things FP has done.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Happiness & Light

Let me introduce what keeps me sane in this slumming adventure of mine.

This is Terry (Aka Terrence, Terry Potter & Asshole). He's 3 years old. We adopted him the year my dad and mother-in-law passed away. He has helped me deal with loss when nobody else could.

This is Evelyn. She is 10 years old. Another adopted kitten. She was left outside and taken from her mother at 5 weeks old. She has the sweetest heart.

This is Daisy. She is about a year and half old. We adopted her shortly after we lost two elderly kitties in one month (Jynxie Cat & Honey). She has a hatred for closed doors and will scream at them until they are opened